Strategic Partners

Our unique relationships with manufacturers allow us to provide goods and services more quickly and at a lower cost than competitors, but it is only one aspect of our process, which is designed to ensure maximum efficiency at every level of the buying process.
These processes are designed to mitigate risk in three crucial areas: technical specifications, product delivery, and payment. Because of our relationships with manufacturers, and our proprietary bidding and contract processes, we’re in a unique position to provide superior procurement services and logistic support to peacekeeping and poverty reduction missions in war-torn and other developing countries.
Most Development Agencies, including the UN Field Missions, do not usually buy directly from the manufacturers because this slows the crucial delivery timeline and often increases the cost of peacekeeping; instead, they use procurement services firms to obtain the goods and services in support of the missions.
American Procurement sources, acquires, and delivers the products needed by the agency to maintain their staff and support the local population.
APSCO has formed partnerships with major manufacturers to buy the same high-quality goods directly, without the need for an external procurement service. This allows us to provide our goods and services both more promptly and with better cost efficiency than other agencies, and gives us access to over 20,000 products, increasing the chances of the peacekeeping missions’ success. Our manufacturing partners include, among others, Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Honda-USA, Moore Medical, and Toyota.